Saturday, November 19, 2016

30 Day Blog Challenge :Day 19 - My Worst Habits

Hello again my loyal readers!
Day 19 this November brings the topic of My Worst Habits.

Well, I suppose we can start with the most obvious.  I tend to put off tomorrow what I could be doing today.  Yes, that's right, my #1Bad Habit is procrastination.  It stinks and honestly I'm trying to do better and you'd be laughing if you knew WHEN I actually got this posted yet putting things off always seems to win and then it bites me in the ass later on down the road.

Friday, November 18, 2016

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 18- What Am I Afraid Of?

Welcome back  my loyal readers, to 30 Day Blog Challenge!
Today we focus on Fears.
Growing up, I had the basic fears of a child.  Dark, spiders, snakes, needles,  tornadoes....
As I grew up however, my fears changed.  I'm still afraid of tornadoes and weary about needles.  But my other fears are of  failing.  Failing as both a parent and at life. 
My other adult fear is of not reaching my dreams in the long run.    I have goals but I'm afraid I'll never reach them.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

30 day Blog Challenge: Day 17- Favorite Childhood Book

Day 17 and the question asks about favorite childhood books. 
I am and always have been a fan of Dr. Seuss.  If I had to absolutely pick a book from his line, I'd choose The Lorax.  After all, it's a timeless tale the need to protect our earth. 
However, there is no choosing "a book" with Dr. Seuss.
That's because they ALL become favorites once you open and read them.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 16- Dream Job

Today we're looking at what I'd be doing as my "Dream Job".
Well loyal readers,  if money was no option I'd want to be a SAHM (Stay-at-home-mom).  Just to stay at home and home school my boy would be my dream. 
If I have to work, my dream job is with kids.  I'd love to be a teacher especially, to teach either preschool, kindergarten, or 1st grade. 
Am I in that dream job?
I screwed up while I was going to collage and was forced to quit. 
Do I regret not finishing?
I hope someday to be able to go back and finish school and become the teacher I know I could be.  One thing is for certain.  I'm SICK of jumping from minimum wage job to minimum wage job every 18 months! 
Yes, I'm cursed....

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 15 - Timeline of My Day

Here is my timeline on a given day in my life:
Between 6:30 and 7am- Boy wakes me up with kisses and I take a shower while boy watches TV.
7am- Go downstairs and and change son's diaper before I prepare his breakfast (chocolate milk and poptarts) while son watches more TV (either on SPROUT or Disney Jr)
9ish- Get boy dressed after changing diaper once more and get dressed myself. 

The days I work:
9:30am- My mother picks up my son to watch him from 9:30 to close to 5pm most days.
I also sit down to watch my stories via Firestick until about an hour before I must clock in to work.  Sometimes, I'll even do chores.

On days that I stay home with the boy: 
9:30 to roughly 11:30am- Son runs around and plays about he house while I do chores and do work on my computer.
1130: Son's lunch is ready and he sits down to eat while we watch Paw Patrol on Firestick.
Noon:  Husband comes home from work for 30 min lunch.
12:30- Husband goes back to work and I change son's diaper again before cuddling up with him on the couch for his nap.
While boy sleeps, I watch more of my stories on Firestick (ANTM, Dance Moms,  Project Runway, an any other reality TV shows that I binge on).  I'll go back and forth from my computer and the TV to the chores that need to be done while the boy sleeps.
Between 2:30 and 3:30pm- Boy will wake up and I will change his diaper.  Then, we'll go run any errands that I need to run.  Then, depending on when he wakes up and when we get back from errands, the boy plays and I do stuff online/watch tv until...
5pm- Husband comes home and supper gets started.

Monday, November 14, 2016

30 Day Blog Challange: Day 14 - What is In My Handbag?

You asked the questions and I've answered them.
What's in My Handbag/Purse?
Well for starters, money.  Can't go anywhere without that after all.  And along with my keys and my bank card that would normally be all I need.  However, I work at a department store (in the fitting room mostly) and I arrive earlier than needed most times.  Also being in the fitting room can be slow and boring at times. For those times, I also put a book in my bag, as well as my latest stitching craft and drawing project.  It allows me to NOT go mad from boredom ;)

Sunday, November 13, 2016

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 13 - Favorite Quote

Favorite Quote:
God never ends anything on a negative; God always ends on a positive. Edwin Louis Cole
Read more at:
 God never ends anything on a negative; God always ends on a positive. - Edwin Louis Cole
God never ends anything on a negative; God always ends on a positive. Edwin Louis Cole
Read more at:
God never ends anything on a negative; God always ends on a positive. Edwin Louis Cole
Read more at:

Saturday, November 12, 2016

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 12 - If I Won the Lottery....

If I Won the Lottery...
Well loyal readers, this is certainly a question that had plagued many.  And now it has come across my desk.
Well, if I won the lottery, I guess my fist action would be to FINALLY pay off the student loans that were bringing my credit ratings down.   From there, I would take some of the money and give it to my little man in his bank account to save for college.  Once that was done with, I want do some work to my house yet.  Maybe fix up the back yard to allow more play areas for my son.  Like an outdoor built up track/street and town for his toy cars and trucks.  I would also like to give him a better play area and maybe a play house.

Friday, November 11, 2016

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 11 - Most Proud Moment

And it is Day 11, dear readers.
Today is asking me for my Most Proud Moment.
If I was in a different spot in my life, I'm positive this moment would have been different.   However, I didn't even have to think twice this time around.
My Most Proud Moment is:

You guessed it!  My proudest moment is my baby boy!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 10 - First Celebrity Crush

    We are through to number 10, my loyal readers!
Day 10 asks about my First Celebrity Crush.  First celebrity crush?  Hmmm....
Well, I would have to say that my FIRST ever celeb crush would have been Michael Crawford.  He was the original cast Phantom in Phantom of the Opera in both London and Broadway casts.  I was a fan from when I first heard him sing Music of the Night.  I was bound and determined to get EVERYTHING he had been in and every CD he made when I was 9.  I still keep eyes and ears open because Readers, I am a true superfan!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 9- Piercings or Tattoos?

    Back again dear readers! Day 9: Piercings or Tattoos?
    Well, to be honest, I only have piercings in the ears.  One in each ear (so two total).  Nothing TOO extreme.  And honestly my loyal readers, I don't think I'd ever go beyond the traditional 'One-hole-each-ear'.  I had gotten my ears pierced at eight years old.  As a birthday gift from my parents.
     As for tattoos, I have none myselfI've been interested in the idea of getting one.  However both the idea of it being permanent as well as the pain of the needle stops me.  I do think there are some cool tattoos out there.  My husband has a number of them.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 8 - Old Photo of Me

All right my readers!  Day 8 asks for an Old Photo of Me.  After MUCH consideration, I've decided to share.....
This is me as a baby. Wasn't I cute?

Monday, November 7, 2016

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 7 - 10 Favorite Foods

My dear loyal readers,
Thanks for sticking with me this long into the challenge.  I hope you all are learning a bit from me through this.
Today is another list really.  A list of  10 Favorite Foods.  I'm not really a fan of simple lists..but here it goes.
1) Any form of Noodles
2) Pepperoni Pizza
3) Any Fruits (apples and razberries especially)
4) FRESH Sweet Peas, Aspearagus, and Broccoli
5) Chicken Nuggets
6) Chili
7) Chicken Noodle Soup
8) Walking Tacos
9) Steaks on grill
10) Frosted Mini Wheats Cereal

Thank you readers.  Stay tuned for Day 8!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

30 Day Blog Post Challenge: Day 6 - 3 Best Personality Traits

Hello again to my loyal readers!
The 6th day of the challenge asks me about my Three Best Personality Traits.  Picking out my best traits is difficult because we as the human animal find it difficult to compliment ourselves.
However, I will try my best.   I've had some time thinking about this as well.
My first trait:  I'm great with kids- This trait as been proven time and again through my lifetime. 
Second:  I get along with anyone- as long as you don't give me reason not to.
Third: I pick up new things easily- I learn new things quickly.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 5 - My Guilty Pleasure

Hello again my readers. 
Time again for an entry into the 30 Day Blog Challenge.  This  time focusing in on my "Guilty Pleasure". 
    Now, I have many guilty pleasures.  It'd be hard to chose just one.  I was thinking about what I like in terms of Pleasures and I suppose they can be summed up together as "I like to work with my hands and create". 
1. I found I love to cook first off.  I'm constantly looking for new recipes.  I especially love baking and making cookies.
2. I love to draw!  I'm constantly on DiviantArt and posting my drawings.  I also take my drawing ability and have started several 'fan' comics.
3.  I love writing (if it weren't obvious through my blogs).  I write fanfics under CommanderKhashoggi at
I participate yearly in NoNaWrMo every November as well.  Anything I've written for that is under my blog 525,600 Journeys to Plan.
4. Last but not least, I LOVE to sew!  I've started a side career on Etsy under the shop name Geekdom Bait.  Feel free to stop buy and have a look.  If it isn't there, ask me and I shall quote you a price.

    And now you see why my Guilty Pleasure is "working with my hands to create".  See you tomorrow dear readers.

Friday, November 4, 2016

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 4 - Earliest Childhood Memory

   My earliest childhood memory?
    I wouldn't know how old I would have been exactly.  But I do know my brother Charlie was in elementary school as well because he was old enough to follow directions and so was Colin (to a point).  Maybe I was 8 or 9.  I know my love of theater was already instilled in me and I also loved performing.
    Anyhow, I tell you this my readers because my earliest childhood memory consists of a fall that would have been my first performance of an original stage musical.  To set the scene, my parents had gotten together with family friends who had long since moved out of the area.  They lived on an acre of land that looked like a farm (though they owned non of the animals except two dogs and maybe the chickens.  My parents got together with this family on a yearly basis to pick sweet corn. This particular year Charlie, Colin, and I were playing with the older girl Anna.  I got the idea that we should take our play and try to remember and play it for the adults. I can't remember what exactly the plot of the play/musical was, but i seem to recall that it involved time travel.  And we had fun and the parents enjoyed it.
    Funny what we remember.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 3- Meaning of My Blog Names

And I'm back!
I hope I haven't lost any of my readers yet ;)  As you all know by now, I've got FIVE (5) blogs.  Each blog I write in have VERY specific themes.  I'm assuming my followers wish to know what they are and just what they contain as well as how I got the names.
Here they are:
My World, My Rules (this one) - was my first blog.  It basically holds everything that doesn't fit in any of the other four  blogs.  I have many weekly linkies connected to this one.  As the title states, this one I'll blab about anything and everything. My World, My rules.
525,600 Journeys to Plan - This is my writing blog.  The name is from a lyric from RENT.  I use this blog for my creative writing and to place future prompts.  I'm a NoNoMoWri writer as well and I place my stories there as I write them.
Beowolf on the Beach: Reading the Classics- This blog is strictly a blog for my many book reviews.  Yes, I love to read and sharing my opinions on the books I  read.  The title is inspired from a book I read with the same name.  It inspired me to read the classics again and look at them differently. 
Insane Ramblings of a Red Caboose - This blog, like Beowolf, is for reviews.  However, unlike Beowolf, this blog is for reviews of theater performances I'd personally seen.  The name is after a character of one of my favorite musicals Starlight Express.  Red Caboose (or CB) is a fright caboose  that is slightly 'touched' in the head.
And last but not least First-Time Mommy -  This blog is sadly the one I update the least.  My subscribers, you may follow this on or you don't have too.  It was created to follow the life of my first child...

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 2- Twenty Facts About Me

Greetings again my MANY followers!
If you are following me, I am taking November to  allow you to get to know me.
Twenty facts.....Let's see....
1. I'm a mother of a little boy and he is my first and only right now.
2. I would like to be a SAHM (Stay-at-Home Mom)
3..Or a kindergarten teacher
4....Or an actress or fashion designer or writer
5. I've gone to collage but never finished
6. I've got five blogs (please follow them all)
7. I love to sew in my free time
8.  I have a side sewing business on esty and storenvey
9.  My five blogs ALL show different sides of me, I'll introduce you to them another Challenge
10. I'm 33
11.  I'm Democrat
12. I'm Christian
13. I'm Luthern
14. I'm Straight but have gay friends
15. I'm Married
16.  Been happily married now  for 5 years
17. My husband is my best friend
18.  I believe Jesus Christ died for me.
19.  Every day I wake up asking myself: "What would Jesus do?"
20.  I hope that I leave this world with people knowing I loved them

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

30 Day Blog Challange: Day 1- Introduction

Hey you all!
I realized all my watchers out there may not know who I am.  Therefore, I've decided to do the 30 Day Blog Challenge.  With that being said,  My name is Megan.  I've got a two-year-old little man and would love to end up being a Stay-at-Home mom. 
Welcome to my blog!

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Throwback Thursdays: July 28th (Son's Birthday) -Not Just ANY Thursday!

 It's certainly not EVERY year on July 28th  when I get to show off photos of my son!  Two years ago, the Lord blessed me with a VERY special gift.  With his birthday TODAY of all days, this is y TB Thursday photo.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Loki - Numb

I've always thought that this song was fitting of Loki's life...  Makes me BAWL to see it played out to the song

Monday, May 23, 2016

Meatless Monday: ChatterBox & House Paty (5/23/16)

Welcome welcome ALL my readers (all....5 of them?) to my latest addition to my lifestyle blog.
Meatless Monday!
 So, I have made a vow to get healthier.  In order to do that, I've decided to change a few things about my lifestyle.  Yes, I had decided to do this for a number of reasons: To introduce my boy to veggies and tasty meatless alternatives, to become healthier myself, to reduce the carbon footprint I leave behind.
Thanks to and their non-party Chatterbox, I had been introduced to an armload of options for meat alternatives.   As well as given a few of those alternative to try!

Right now, I'm in running for a few things.   
I'm excited to try these out (AND party with them) simply because I've dedicated myself to a healthier lifestyle SO much I've dedicated Mondays to being Meatless.  This would simply be another #WayToVegParty