Sunday, December 3, 2017

December 31 Prompts: Day 3 - What am I Grateful For?

Hello my loyal readers.
Back again for December 31 Prompts.  Day 3 asks: What am I grateful for?
Well readers, I'm grateful for many thing.
My major thing is that I'm grateful for my son.   Yes, he is 3-years-old.  Yes he is demanding of attention.  Yes he can wear on my patience and my nerves.  However, he is my miracle child and I wouldn't have him any other way.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

December 31 Prompts: Day 2 - Worst Part of Day & Reaction

And I'm back loyal readers!  Told you I'd be!
Today's prompt asks me about my worst part of the day.  Now, I'd like to think that I really don't have a 'worst part' of the day and normally I don't.  However, there are days.
For example, if my son never got a nap that day then my day goes bad.  Especially if it's a Wednesday.  I'm totally behind in what I need to do because I didn't have the time to myself.  And if that is the case, I get irritable. 
I try to calm myself down by taking deep breaths and reminding myself that Eli doesn't me to irritate me.  After all, he is only 3.  Sometimes it works. 
Other times......

Friday, December 1, 2017

December 31 Prompts: Day 1 - Favorite Part of Day

Hello my readers!
In November of last year I did the 30 Day Blog challenge.  I decided that I liked doing that so much (and that my blog needs more content) that I decided to do these challenges monthly.  If you have any questions for me as well, I will gladly answer them.
December 1st asks about my favorite part of the day. 
Honestly, I can say my favorite part of the day is the 30-40 minutes between the time that my son Eli is picked up by his Grandma and before I head off to work.  On Wednesdays it's different.  The hour/hour-half that Eli sleeps is another one of my favorite times of day. 
I know I know, it sounds selfish but it allows me to focus on me.  To get things done without the interruption or the noise from Eli.