Thursday, September 17, 2009

About Book Giveaways and Dr Seuss

So, first thing's first:
Okay, so I'm not giving anything away. But I DO love free books and if I don't like any of them after I read them, I'll pass them on.
+ I'm doing this for FIVE entries in a giveaway. Hey, the prize is 5 books. If you're a book lover like me, you can't beat that. Basically, in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, the owner of the blog Reading in Appalachia is giving away these five books by five hispanic authors about characters who are Hispanic. So yes, I want these!
+ I've entered another as well! <-----Go check it out! Especially if you are a parent of little ones or teach at an elementary school! EDIT: I WON THIS ONE!!!!!
+ <----- Yes, quite a list this time. This section all being given away by the same person.
+ <---------- And now a 6-pack I would LOVE to win!

Now second thing:
I'm helping my mother out with SSC Middle School's musical this year. They are doing Seussical Jr and I'm in charge of choreography. I did it last year to when they did Bugsy Malone Jr and had a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to this one because the kids are all great kids and there's a LOT of talent. I'll add pictures of costumes and the like as the show develops. HOPEFULLY I'll eventually even have video to show you.